
The process

Want to bring your passion project to life?

We have set up the Southwood Foundation to help you do just that.

Make your idea submission below – All applicants will first need to provide brief details by completing the form.  The information you provide here will be used as an initial screening exercise to confirm relevance and suitability.  Following assessment of the information that you provide below, if your idea is deemed to be relevant/suitable, the next step will be to complete a more detailed Project Briefing document.

If you are a civic or industry leader, researcher, student, city practitioner or anyone with curiosity and initiative, we have designed this with you in mind.

For guidance purposes, please click here for our Project Assessment Criteria and click here for the outline of our process through to project completion


We want to encourage all our community to develop and improve ideas together. Please tick the box if you agree to have your idea listed on the Foundation's launchpad.

I agree

Please include a brief description of how the project fits within the aims and values of the Foundation: (max 500 words).

(max 300 words).

+ 6 = 10