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We were delighted this month to attend the launch of the Sussex Bay initiative, an exciting new 100 mile coastal recovery initiative with a vision to restore the ecosystems along the Sussex coast. The initiative brings together multiple existing marine, riverine and intertidal projects and involves local authorities, charities and diverse communities working in collaboration to accelerate action on coastal nature recovery. The project aims to create and deliver a pioneering seascape-scale strategy for the entire coastline.

A major part of the plan is to work together to raise £50m funding to restore habitat and biodiversity along the Sussex coast. The coastal habitats in this area, including kelp forests and saltmarsh, offer major benefits for wildlife and people. They are significant carbon stores, support a myriad of ecosystems, protect our coastlines from storm damage and provide livelihoods for local people.   Ambitious and concerted action is urgently needed to restore these precious habitats and all the benefits they bring.

Sussex Bay is the blue mirror to the multitude of increasingly joined-up nature restoration projects in inland Sussex, and makes a great coastal complement to the 100 mile Weald to Waves nature corridor in which TSF is proud to be a partner.


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